The API of Quality-time is used by the frontend, but part of it can also be used for integration purposes. Below the public endpoints are documented.

API documentation can be retrieved via http://www.quality-time.example.org/api (all versions, all routes), http://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3 (all routes for a specific version, in this case version 3), and http://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/<route_fragment> (all routes matching a specific text fragment).

Export to PDF#

If the PDF report needs to be downloaded programmatically, e.g. for inclusion in a release package, use the endpoint: https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf. No authorization is needed for this endpoint.

The report_uuid is the unique identifier that Quality-time assigns to a report. It can be found by navigating to a report in the browser and looking for the report_uuid in the address bar. For example, when the URL in the browser’s address bar is https://www.quality-time.example.org/f1d0e056-2440-43bd-b640-f6753ccf4496?hidden_columns=comment, the part between the last slash and the question mark is the report_uuid.

To hide metrics that do not need any action, set the metrics_to_hide parameter to no_action_needed, i.e. https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf?metrics_to_hide=no_action_needed. To hide all metrics and only export the report dashboard to PDF, set the metrics_to_hide parameter to all.

To hide columns from the report, set the hidden_columns parameter, for example https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf?hidden_columns=target,comment. Possible options are trend, status, measurement, target, source, comment, issues, and tags.

To hide tags from the report, set the hidden_tags parameter, for example https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf?hidden_tags=security,usability.

To expand metrics and set the active tab of the metric detail information, add the tabs parameter, i.e. https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf?tabs=<metric_uuid>:<tab_index>,<metric_uuid>:<tab_index>,.... The metric UUID can be found by navigating to a report in the browser, expanding the metric, and looking for the tabs parameter in the address bar. For example, when the URL in the browser’s address bar is https://www.quality-time.example.org/1d0e056-2440-43bd-b640-f6753ccf4496?tabs=d4c0dea1-b072-417f-804e-6045544748db:0, the part between the equal sign and the colon is the metric UUID of the expanded metric. The number after the colon is the number of the active tab, e.g. 0 is the metrics configuration tab, 1 is the source configuration tab, 2 is the trend graph, etc.

To show the measurement trend, add the nr_dates parameter and set it to more than 1, for example https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf?nr_dates=5. The maximum supported value is 7 dates.

To change the time between dates shown, use the date_interval parameter. The interval should be an integer and can have the value 1, 7, 14, 21, or 28. For example, for example https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf?date_interval=7.

To add issue attributes to the exported report, set the show_issue_summary, show_issue_creation_date, and/or show_issue_update_date parameters to true. For example, https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf?show_issue_summary=true.

To export an older version of a report, add the report_date parameter with a date value in ISO-format (YYYY-MM-DD), for example https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf?report_date=2020-09-01.

Reports contain the report URL in the footer of the report. When exporting PDFs manually, the Quality-time frontend supplies the report URL to the endpoint. When using the endpoint directly to export a report to PDF, the report URL needs to be supplied as parameter. Add the report_url parameter with the URL of the report, for example https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/pdf?report_url=https://www.quality-time.example.org/<report_uuid>.


It is also possible to download a PDF version of the reports overview via the API. Use the endpoint https://www.quality-time.example.org/api/v3/reports_overview/pdf. No authorization is needed for this endpoint. The parameters for exporting a report, listed above, can also be used when exporting the reports overview.

Export and import reports as JSON#

Quality-time provides functionality for importing and exporting reports in JSON format. This functionality can be used for backing up reports or for transferring reports from one Quality-time instance to another one. Currently, this functionality is only available via the API, with one endpoint for importing and one for exporting the JSON reports.

A Quality-time report in JSON format contains the latest configuration of the report, with all its subjects, metrics and sources. It does not contain any actual measurements. The credentials of configured sources are encrypted on export to protect sensitive data.

To use the import and export endpoints you need to be authenticated. For example, using curl:

curl --cookie-jar cookie.txt --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"username": "jadoe", "password": "secret"}' https://quality-time.example.org/api/v3/login

Exporting reports#

The exporting endpoint is available via https://quality-time.source.org/api/v3/report/<report-uuid>/json?public_key=<public-key>. The exporting endpoint returns JSON content only.

For example, using curl, and assuming you have logged in as shown above:

curl --cookie cookie.txt --output report.json https://quality-time.source.org/api/v3/report/97b2f341-45ce-4f2b-9a71-3675f2f54cf7/json

The report_uuid is the unique identifier that Quality-time assigns to a report. It can be found by navigating to a report in the browser and looking for the report_uuid in the address bar. For example, when the URL in the browser’s address bar is https://quality-time.source.org/f1d0e056-2440-43bd-b640-f6753ccf4496?hidden_columns=comment, the part between the last slash and the question mark is the report_uuid.

The public key argument is optional. If no public key is provided, the public key of the exporting Quality-time instance is used for encrypting the source credentials. If the report needs to be imported in a different Quality-time instance, the public key of that instance should be provided. It can be obtained at https://quality-time.destination.org/api/v3/public_key. The exported JSON report can only be imported into the Quality-time whose public key has been used for the encryption of credentials during the export.

The public key endpoint returns a JSON like this:

  "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAtXvAeTqsgXIb98rGfZDk\n4ZUssjjrMOCOL7xuZh6lYwN41UP0Day78tbzMxCx8mLfT76DckK1xkeGkKpS/UYD\n2ooDXluplRDGxfebZg+qy54toW878rnYe4HJu6YoDaBnthr1Muy9ttHOVB+6ucXY\nX23uzOF6FD4rZZTn4uGpEF9qfpzaVZrSpqWy9YAfZEsNNjqmbPYR+H0WjdihIpgY\n3AabLHdw02VN8cIzgh1ILLPFcBo2CqNWpETNIGdlPORfDiUx6HVxSXt80xwxFpop\n9hXQDuKSDVGlpVl5YKTwRyqEcFvhbTEJ1gJ+FksCRfrZ/hdVlI5mlCyN/gi+k3gO\nErtN0kFlIwCPyLHw5hsi/f8rLGpG1MaXmtI4fBoTbnozwaTcmoO9GO/Ell3ITTBW\nJbS3fSqKDtTU3NhalnJk5h99yQc+tgHIc+y/odKcicTDw5ZvlNIsY/ig6Z1BqYOl\n3FEI9a+I/mhcynSM/30elGsi+j/ZrWyhD6uB3E9+UtL5l7FtDWyIIoE7DaMQJZxg\nDNLCHWKACjjE+Tjr4ExUEgtzcMMmRXL2QZkylxxT9WU0Qe0U3nwJWBj6h+3xJird\npJ3weRfCPwrZ/6SxWE19tmZiynNnvnywxTJKgT15/Qkv1T0QyVCH/UeyxAhAXqYc\nBulld6J57dZwlpfWtf/ua3cCAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"

To be able to pass the public key as query parameter to the export endpoint, it needs to be encoded. Download the public key as file:

curl --output public_key.json https://quality-time.destination.org/api/v3/public_key

And then encode the public key as follows:

$ python3 -c 'import json; import urllib.parse; key = json.load(open("public_key.json"))["public_key"]; print(urllib.parse.quote_plus(key))'
-----BEGIN+PUBLIC+KEY----- ... encoded public key ... -----END+PUBLIC+KEY-----%0A

Importing reports#

The importing endpoint is available via https://quality-time.destination.org/api/v3/report/import. The import endpoint accepts JSON content only. See the example reports for the format.

For example, using curl, and assuming you have logged in as shown above:

$ curl --cookie cookie.txt --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @report.json https://quality-time.destination.org/api/v3/report/import
{"ok": true, "new_report_uuid": "97a3e341-44ce-4f2b-4471-36e5f2f34cf6"}

On import, all UUIDs contained in the report (UUIDs of the report, subjects, metrics and sources) will be replaced to prevent conflicts if the report already exists.

If the report contains encrypted credentials, the importing Quality-time instance will decrypt the credentials using its public key. Note that if the credentials were encrypted using the public key of a different Quality-time instance, an error will occur, and the import will fail.

To allow for seeding a Quality-time instance with default reports, imported reports may contain unencrypted credentials. These unencrypted credentials will be imported unchanged.

Copying reports from one Quality-time instance to another#

Tying the previous two sections together, these steps export a report from a source Quality-time instance and import it into a destination instance:

# Get the public key of the destination Quality-time
$ curl --output public_key.json https://quality-time.destination.org/api/v3/public_key
# Encode the public key
$ python3 -c 'import json; import urllib.parse; key = json.load(open("public_key.json"))["public_key"]; print(urllib.parse.quote_plus(key))'
# Log in to the source Quality-time
$ curl --cookie-jar cookie.txt --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"username": "jadoe", "password": "secret"}' https://quality-time.source.org/api/v3/login
# Copy the public key and use it in the next line to export the report
$ curl --cookie cookie.txt --output report.json https://quality-time.source.org/api/v3/report/1352450b-30fa-4a82-aec5-7b5d0017ee13/json?public_key=-----BEGIN+PUBLIC+KEY-----encoded-public-key-----END+PUBLIC+KEY-----%0A
# Log in to the destination Quality-time
$ curl --cookie-jar cookie.txt --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"username": "jadoe", "password": "secret"}' https://quality-time.destination.org/api/v3/login
# Import the report in the destination Quality-time
$ curl --cookie cookie.txt --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @report.json https://quality-time.destination.org/api/v3/report/import

Monitoring metric statuses#

To enable monitoring metric statuses outside of Quality-time, the api/v3/report/<report_uuid>/metric_status_summary endpoint can be used. It returns a JSON response for the specified report in the following format:

    "report_uuid": "xyz",
    "title": "Report title",
    "red": 1,
    "green": 4,
    "other colors": "..."

The report_uuid is the unique identifier that Quality-time assigns to a report. It can be found by navigating to a report in the browser and looking for the report_uuid in the address bar. For example, when the URL in the browser’s address bar is https://www.quality-time.example.org/f1d0e056-2440-43bd-b640-f6753ccf4496?hidden_columns=comment, the part between the last slash and the question mark is the report_uuid.