Deployment instructions#

This document describes how to deploy, and if needed move, the Quality-time application. It is aimed at Quality-time operators.

Quality-time consists of a set of Docker containers that together form the application. See the software documentation for an overview of the different containers. It is assumed the containers are deployed using a docker-composition. An alternative deployment based on a Helm chart and intended for an OpenShift (Kubernetes) cluster is described in the Helm for OpenShift README.

Quality-time furthermore assumes an LDAP service is available to authenticate users or that forwarded authentication is used.


This document assumes docker-compose is used to deploy the containers. The docker folder of the Quality-time repository contains different compose files for running Quality-time in development and continuous integration mode. You can use these compose files as basis for your own deployment configuration.

Configuring authentication (mandatory)#

You need to either configure an LDAP server to authenticate users with or configure forwarded authentication.


To configure an LDAP server to authenticate users with, set the LDAP_URL, LDAP_ROOT_DN, LDAP_LOOKUP_USER_DN, LDAP_LOOKUP_USER_PASSWORD, and LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER environment variables. Note that LDAP_URL may be a comma-separated list of LDAP connection URL(s). Add the LDAP environment variables to the external server service in the compose file:

      - LDAP_URL=ldap://ldap:389
      - LDAP_ROOT_DN=dc=example,dc=org
      - LDAP_LOOKUP_USER_DN=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
      - LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER=(|(uid=$username)(cn=$username))

When using the LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER as shown above, users can use either their LDAP canonical name (cn) or their LDAP user id to login. The $username variable is filled by Quality-time at run time with the username that the user enters in the login dialog box.

See also

See for more information on LDAP filters.

Forwarded authentication#

To configure Forwarded Authentication, set the FORWARD_AUTH_ENABLED and FORWARD_AUTH_HEADER environment variables. Add the environment variables to the external server service in the compose file:

      - FORWARD_AUTH_HEADER=X-Forwarded-User


Only enable Forwarded Authentication if Quality-time is setup behind a reverse proxy that is responsible for authentication and direct access to Quality-time is not possible.

Configuring hostnames and ports (optional)#

The hostnames and ports of the different containers can be configured via environment variables. See the software documentation for an overview of the available hostname and port environment variables per component.

Configuring example reports (optional)#

By default, the server components will check for the presence of example reports in the database on startup. If none are present, three example reports will be added to the database. To prevent this behavior, set the LOAD_EXAMPLE_REPORTS environment variable to false for both the external and the internal server:


Configuring measurement frequency (optional)#

The collector component is responsible for collecting measurement data from sources. It wakes up periodically and asks the internal server for a list of all metrics. For each metric, the collector gets the measurement data from each of its sources and posts a new measurement to the internal server.

If a metric has been recently measured and its parameters haven’t been changed, the collector skips the metric.

By default, the collector measures metrics whose configuration hasn’t been changed every 15 minutes, sleeps 60 seconds in between measurements, and measures at most 30 metrics every time it wakes up. The defaults can be changed as follows:

      - COLLECTOR_SLEEP_DURATION=10  # Wake up every 10 seconds
      - COLLECTOR_MEASUREMENT_LIMIT=25  # Measure at most 25 metrics on every wake up
      - COLLECTOR_MEASUREMENT_FREQUENCY=600  # Measure metrics at least every 10 minutes


Note that the frontend warns users when metrics have not been measured for a long period, currently hardcoded to one hour. That means that if you set the collector measurement frequency to more than one hour, users will see warnings that the measurement data is old.

Configuring notification frequency (optional)#

The notifier component is responsible for notifying users via MS Teams about changed metric statuses. It wakes up periodically and asks the internal server fo a list of all metrics. For each metric, the notifier decides whether a notification is possible and needed.

By default, the notifier wakes up every minute to check for changed metric statuses. This frequency can be changed as follows:

      - NOTIFIER_SLEEP_DURATION=120  # Check for notifications every two minutes

Configuring MongoDB credentials (optional)#

The default MongoDB credentials can be changed as follows:


See the documentation on the MongoDB image for more information.

Configuring renderer localisation (optional)#

The date/time format and timezone of the reports that user sees are determined by the user’s browser. To configure the date/time format and timezone of exported PDFs, the renderer can be configured as follows:

      - LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8  # To get European dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
      - TZ=Europe/Amsterdam  # To get Central European Time

Configuring logging (optional)#

The options for configuring logging are limited at the moment. The MongoDB daemon can be told to produce less logging by passing the --quiet flag:

    command: --quiet

The collector, notifier, external server, and internal server all have log level WARNING as default. This can be overridden by setting an environment variable to DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL.


Log level environment variable



External server


Internal server




The proxy access log is turned off. Please submit an issue if you need this and possibly other logging settings to be configurable.

Using a custom base image for the www container (optional)#

The base image of the www container can be configured as follows in the compose file:

      context: ../components/proxy
        IMAGE_NAME: nginx
        IMAGE_VERSION: stable-perl

Moving Quality-time#

The easiest way to move a Quality-time instance is to deploy a new Quality-time instance at the new location and then copy the database contents from the old instance to the new instance. All Quality-time data is contained in the Mongo database, so that is the only data that needs to be copied.

Start a new mongo container and use that to run the mongodump and mongorestore commands:

docker run -dP --rm --name mongo mongo
docker exec -ti mongo mongodump --uri "mongodb://root:<pwd>@<hostname or ip>:27017" --out /tmp/dump/qt_dump
docker exec -ti mongo mongorestore --uri "mongodb://root:<pwd>@<hostname or ip>:27017" /tmp/dump/qt_dump

The <hostname or ip> is the hostname or IP address of the Swarm manager in case of Docker Swarm.

As the dump is stored in a temporary container, the dump will disappear as soon as the container is removed. To keep the dump around, map a folder (-v) in the mongo container.

See also

See Back Up and Restore with MongoDB Tools for more information about the mongodump and mongorestore commands.